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  • MILAIP AMENDMENT 02/25 of JANUARY 23, 2025

    Currently effective MILAIP


    RTBA chart - currently effective Edition 02-2024

    CMCC sectors chart - currently effective Edition 06-2024

    OAT chart - currently effective Edition 06-2024

  • AIP AMENDMENT 01/25 of JANUARY 23, 2025

    Currently effective eAIP

    Currently effective Atlas VAC


    GAT chart - Edition 05-2024

    EN ROUTE charts additional information - Edition 05-2024


    New version of instruction 1550 available, relating to supplementary rules and procedures to RCAM and PCAM

    Add of the schedule of publications issued by DIRCAM/DIA for the year 2025

    Add of the GPSA report 2024

List of AIP supplements - FRANCE



Last Updated : 09/30/21

This information comes from SIA website. Sup AIP can be modified by NOTAM.


240/2021 Creation of 2 Tempo Restricted Areas (ZRT) at medium altitude ZRT AX1 and ZRT AX2 COGNAC THIS AIP SUP CANCELS AND REPLACES AIP SUP 226/21

238/2021 Creation of a Temporary Danger Area (ZDT) for exercise TARTANE 2021

237/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) at St Jean de Luz for an airshow

236/2021 Creation of 2 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for military exercise BACCARAT 2021

235/2021 Creation of two Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for the 80th anniversary of the Orange 02.005 Ile de France fighter squadron

234/2021 Creation of temporary restricted areas (ZRTs) and temporary danger areas (ZDTs) for the BELOTE 2021-04 exercise in the FIRs and the France UIR

233/2021 Restrictions of use of Avord AD LFOA due to aerodrome renovation work, PHASE 4

232/2021 Evaluation of RNAV (GNSS) departure procedures towards FISTO and LACOU, from RWY 32L/32R at Toulouse Blagnac AD LFBO (phase 5)

231/2021 Restriction of use of Paris Charles-De-Gaulle AD (LFPG) : Closure of taxiways related G3 and G4 works

230/2021 Update AIP France ENR 2.2 / Sector E REIMS LFEE

229/2021 Creation of 3 Tempo Restricted Areas (ZRT) at PAMIERS for parachuting with drift under canopy

228/2021 Creation of 4 temporary restricted areas (ZRT) for the 2021 CORMORAN exercise in the region of Montpellier, Beziers and in Corsica

227/2021 Creation of two temporary restricted areas (ZRT) as part of under-canopy insertion activities in the Le Blanc region (36)

225/2021 Creation of 3 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for surveillance of a train line between Gretz and Nangis

224/2021 Temporary replacement of the VOR/DME PPG Impact on aerodrome IFR procedures and on the ATS route network in lower airspace Cancels and replaces the AIRAC AIP SUP 195/21

223/2021 Creation of 3 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for Military Exercise ROYAL BLACKHAWK 2021 (FIR : Reims LFEE)

222/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) at GAP-TALLARD

221/2021 Creation of a ZRT and a ZDT as part of the 2021 SAMAR MED exercise

220/2021 Creation of 14 temporary restricted areas (ZRTs) for the 2021 GORGONES exercise

219/2021 Creation of 2 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) on Issoire-Le Broc AD for airshow Ailes et Volcans - Cervolix 2021

218/2021 Creation of temporary restricted areas (ZRTs) and temporary danger areas (ZDTs) for the VOLFA 2021 exercise

217/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) over Versailles for demonstration flights 

215/2021 Operational evaluation of visual approach RNP VISUAL SOGBO RWY 05 at Bordeaux Merignac AD LFBD

214/2021 Identification of lighting masts C1 and C2

211/2021 Creation of 2 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for State remotely piloted ACFT flying over DRAGUIGNAN

209/2021 New initial departures for RNAV SID at Beauvais Tille AD LFOB

208/2021 Creation of a RNP approach procedure for RWY 30 at Beauvais Tille AD LFOB

207/2021 Restrictions and modifications of the conditions of use of the aprons at CALVI SAINTE CATHERINE AD LFKC due to infrastructure works (phases 2, 3, 4, 5)

205/2021 Restrictions and permanent modification of aircraft parking stands on the apron at Chalons Vatry AD LFOK

202/2021 PERPIGNAN AD (LFMP) : addition of overflying avoidance sectors

199/2021 Creation of 17 Temporary Areas (ZRT/ZDT) for a drone REAPER flying towards and as part of Exercise SURVMAR 2021

198/2021 Modification of Danger Areas “LF-D 54 DB Nord” and “LF-D 54 DB Sud” lateral limits

195/2021 Temporary replacement of the VOR/DME « PPG ». Impact on aerodrome IFR procedures and on the ATS route network in lower airspace

194/2021 Temporary replacement of the VOR/DME « PPG ». Impact on the upper ATS route network

193/2021 Evaluation of an IFR route for helicopters flying between hospitals of the Alsace plain. THIS AIRAC AIP SUP REPLACES AND CANCELS AIRAC AIP SUP 017/21

192/2021 Operational evaluation of the RNP 261 PinS IFR procedure for Colmar Pasteur hospital helipad (FIR : Reims LFEE (FIR : Reims LFEE AD : Colmar Houssen LFGA). THIS AIRAC AIP SUP CANCELS AND REPLACES THE AIRAC AIP SUP 020/21

191/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) CHÂTEAUDOUBLE (83)

190/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) FONTVIEILLE (13)

189/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) MIRAMAS (13)

188/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) LE ROZELIER (55)

187/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) BRIENNE-LE-CHATEAU (10)

186/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) SEDZERE (64)

185/2021 Implementation of Flight plan Buffer Zones (FBZ) associated with Danger Areas LF-D 54 DB NORD and LF-D 54 DB SUD (UIR : France - FIR : Marseille LFMM) 

174/2021 Modifications of the airspace, VAC and conditions of use of Etampes Mondésir AD LFOX due to closure of ATS services


172/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) FONTEVRAUD (49)

170/2021 Restriction of use of Paris Orly AD LFPO due to repair works on concrete slabs, redevelopment and renaming of V37 stand.

161/2021 Creation of Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) and Temporary Danger Areas (ZDT) ALBACORE

157/2021 Modification of AIP France VAC Tours Val de Loire AD LFOT, AD 2 LFOT APP 01, ATT 01 and TXT due to change of AD manager

156/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) over MOULINS

153/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) BILLARD in the Valence area for State unmanned ACFT

152/2021 Creation of a Tempo Restricted Area (ZRT) CHATEAUNEUF LES MARTIGUES

143/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Zone (ZRT) and two Tempo Danger Areas (ZDT) S 100 for unmanned ACFT flying in Marseille FIR LFMM

140/2021 Modification of RNAV SID TORPA and MOROK for RWY 15 at Bale Mulhouse AD LFSB (evaluation)

137/2021 Creation of a Tempo Restricted Area and Tempo Danger Area (ZRT/ZDT) 108 X (FIR : Marseille LFMM)

134/2021 Restriction of use of Paris Orly AD LFPO, due to renovation work on taxiway W42 : taxiway closure, RWY 06/24 closure and presence of two ditches

133/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) for Biscarrosse seaplane landing area

132/2021 Creation of VFR reporting points for Royan (FIR : Bordeaux LFBB)

122/2021 Creation of a Temporary Prohibited Area (ZIT) Domme (FIR : Bordeaux LFBB - AD : Sarlat-Domme LFDS)

121/2021 Creation of 2 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for high altitude parachuting activities (HALO and HAHO), and modification of PJE activity 520 Les Sables d Olonne

120/2021 Creation of a Tempo Restricted Area ZRT 30 C in Marseille FIR LFMM in addition to the prefectorial order about the creation of the protection zone of Mont Blanc exceptional site, and modification of Restricted Areas LF-R 30 A and B MONT BLANC

115/2021 Creation of 2 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) over METZ for MIL drone activity

113/2021 Creation of Temporary Airspaces (CTR and TMA) replacing the controlled airspaces associated with Tours Val de Loire AD LFOT, and modification of AIP France part AD 2 LFOT

110/2021 Operational evaluation of visual approach RNP VISUAL SOGBO RWY 05 at Bordeaux Mérignac AD LFBD

108/2021 RWY closure and restriction of use of Paris Charles-de-Gaulle AD LFPG due to renovation work on RWY 09L/27R

107/2021 Restrictions of use of Avord AD LFOA due to aerodrome renovation work, PHASE 3

099/2021 Modification of the conditions of use of heliport MIKE at Nice Cote dAzur AD LFMN due to painting work on FATO ME, ME closed

098/2021 Modification of the conditions of use of heliport MIKE at Nice Cote dAzur AD LFMN due to painting on FATO MS, MS closed

097/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) for unmanned aircraft flying over BOURG LASTIC military camp (FIR : Bordeaux LFBB)

093/2021 Creation of a Tempo Restricted Area (ZRT) 31 C CAZAUX (FIR: Bordeaux LFBB) - supersedes AIP SUP 058/2021

086/2021 Creation of 89 Tempo Restricted Areas (ZRT) and 3 Tempo Danger Areas (ZDT) at medium and high altitude, for State unmanned ACFT flying towards and within a work area

085/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) CHARLIE 2

083/2021 Creation of 6 Temporary Prohibited Areas (ZIT) in Bordeaux FIR LFBB

080/2021 Creation of 3 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) and 2 Temporary Danger Areas (ZDT) for a drone flying out of sight over the English channel

079/2021 Modification of the lateral limits of Prohibited Area LF-P 29 LE RIPAULT

078/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) for the DRONES based in Cognac

077/2021 Creation as an experiment of 2 Temporary Restricted Aeras (ZRT) PATROLLER and TRANSIT, for drone flights over Chaumont region (FIR : Reims LFEE

076/2021 Creation of a second daytime VFR route over Alsace Plain (Reims FIR LFEE)

075/2021 Creation of 9 Temporary Prohibited Areas (ZIT) in Reims FIR LFEE and Paris FIR LFFF

074/2021 Creation of 11 Tempo Prohibited Areas (ZIT) in Marseille FIR LFMM

073/2021 Creation of 3 Temporary Prohibited Areas (ZIT) in Brest FIR LFRR

072/2021 Creation of 6 Temporary Prohibited Areas (ZIT) in Paris FIR (LFFF)

069/2021 Creation of a Temporary Prohibited Area (ZIT) MONTERVILLY (FIR : Brest LFRR)

068/2021 Modification of Area LF-R 29 "Ile Longue" entry conditions and routes

067/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) Beynes and modification of the managing authority of Danger Areas LF-D 568 A and B Frileuse

066/2021 Creation of a Tempo Prohibited Area (ZIT) Les Alluets (FIR : Paris LFFF)

065/2021 Evaluation of RNAV (GNSS) departure procedures towards FISTO and LACOU, from RWY 32L/32R at Toulouse Blagnac AD LFBO (phase 5)

064/2021 Creation of a RMZ (Radio Mandatory Zone) over Morlaix Ploujean AD LFRU

063/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) over Lorient Lann-Bihoué AD LFRH

062/2021 Creation of 2 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) in Lorient CTR

061/2021 Flight restriction over Parc national de forets (FIR : Paris LFFF, Reims LFEE)

060/2021 Creation of an experimental RMZ and TMZ (Radio and Transponder Mandatory Zone) over Orléans Bricy AD LFOJ

059/2021 Creation of a Temporary Restricted Area (ZRT) A400M between Orleans Bricy CTR and Restricted Area LF-R 149 A (very low altitude defence network)

057/2021 Creation of a Tempo Restricted Area (ZRT) over Orleans Bricy aerodrome LFOJ

048/2021 Creation of 2 Tempo Danger Areas (ZDT) LF-D 120 Temporaire ZENA Atlantique and LF-D 12 E Temporaire and modification of Danger Areas LF-D 5, LF-D 7, LF-D 12, LF-D 14 B and LF-D 15 B in upper airspace

047/2021 Creation of an experimental RMZ (Radio Mandatory Zone) over Nancy Essey AD LFSN

042/2021 Creation of 84 Tempo Restricted Areas (ZRT) and 2 Tempo Danger Areas (ZDT) for State unmanned ACFT flying over Southern France

037/2021 Use of Conditional Routes (CDR) in French UIR on overloaded days and public holidays

023/2021 Paris Charles de Gaulle AD LFPG, modification of ground movements around Terminal 2AC

019/2021 Implementation of Flight plan Buffer Zones (FBZ - FPL Buffer Zone) associated with Tempo Danger Areas ZENA Gascogne (LF-D 300 A) and ZENA Gascogne restreinte (LF-D 300 B) (UIR : France - FIR Bordeaux LFBB, Brest LFRR)

246/2020 Creation of a Tempo Restricted Area (ZRT) for a captive balloon in place over Vouziers (FIR : Reims LFEE)

244/2020 Creation of a Temporary Danger Area (ZDT) and Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for a Remotely Piloted Aircraft flying over France upper airspace

238/2020 Creation of 3 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for MIL exercises over GROSTENQUIN (FIR : Reims LFEE)

222/2020 Creation of 3 Temporary Restricted Areas (ZRT) for the CIFED (Training School for drone pilots) over Salon de Provence

189/2020 Creation of 2 Tempo Danger Areas (ZDT) in upper airspace : LF-D 300 A Temporaire ZENA GASCOGNE, and LF-D 300 B Temporaire ZENA GASCOGNE restreinte (UIR : France - FIR : Bordeaux LFBB, Brest LFRR)