Validity : DECEMBER 26, 2024 - JANUARY 22, 2025
Download DIGITAL FLIGHT DOC as well as the manuals below :
New deliverable of the SDVFR Mili application is available on the ESIOC Store.
You can load it now. It includes the following improvements :
- Google maps (plan, satellite, hybrid and terrain) are now sharper.
- Correction in the keyboard to enter geographic coordinates.
- Correction on the "Ma station" widget.
- The KML file reader now manages points.
- The KML file reader manages the description field (enterable field in GEarth) and displays a text at the center of the geometry.
- The application is sensitive to the KML file even if GEarth is not installed.
- The simplified simulator mode for FS2020, we must use our new SDVfrSimLinker Next client available on website :